Providing for his family became Clayton’s top priority. Both Clayton and Robert realized that they needed to make more money in order to care for their families. Robert got a job at the Paper Company; but, without a high school diploma, Clayton felt that he wasn't qualified. But he knew how to fix cars; so Clayton got a job assessing and dismantling auto parts … an industry he worked in for many years.
In the 1990's, Clayton had the opportunity to get a job as an Auto Carrier driver; but it was required that he obtain a CDL license. He was very apprehensive about taking the exam because he didn't think he could pass. With much encouragement from his wife, Clayton took the test and passed at his first attempt! He spent the rest of his career working for Bill Seas Towing. He and Bill Seas were not only business associates, but became great friends. He traveled up and down the east coast and even flew to Florida to drive vehicles back to New Jersey.